30 December 2010

TUPE: information and consultation

The cap on “a week’s pay” (currently £380) does not apply to compensatory awards for a breaching TUPE information and consultation obligations: Zaman v Kozee Sleep Products Ltd (t/a Dorlux Beds UK) [EAT/0312/10].

Opt-out Agreements

In Arriva South London Ltd v Nicolau [EAT/0280/10], the EAT remitted the following question to the employment tribunal.

Where a worker did not sign an opt-out agreement – did their employer take reasonable steps to ensure that they did not work more than 48 hours per week – if it did not allow them to work for any amount of overtime?


Roger Clarke said...

I'm working on a TUPE situation. Today, a work colleague told me about the Zaman case. She said the case was just reported in Xperthr.

I replied that I was already aware of the case and showed her your alert.

Keep up the good work.

Tony Trotman said...

Thanks, Roger.

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